Tips to start your GMAT preparation

Hello everyone,

You may think optimism is pretty light as a tip for success, ok. I still think you should try but there are other useful tips which you should consider:
1) start preparing well in advance (at least 6 months before your test)
2) get organized in your preparation.
A) Set yourself small and SMART objectives (scalable, measurable, achievable, realistic and time framed) in order to see and measure your improvements.
An example of these achievable objectives could be to learn 5 new words a day do 25 new words a week and make sure you use them at least once a day the first 2 weeks.
B) Make a work schedule to visualize your preparation.
Your first week should contain a placement test or mock GMAT to find out about your weaknesses and to establish a strategy.
Is English that much of a problem?
If it is so, select the problematic words of the instructions of the mock GMAT in order to list them and learn them by heart. The guidelines are most of the times the same in all the GMATs so the earlier you’ll know them, the easier it’ll get for you to understand your task.
Some books such as « Réussir le GMAT » (Dunod) translate the common guidelines in order to give you a help.
C) Consider a strategy to make progress.
Do you need to work 3 hours a week during one work session or is it easier for you to work 3x1hour in a week?
Do you need « fiches » which are organized by chapters, by GMAT part, by topic, by examples, by exercises…?
Do you have problems to concentrate during the full duration of the test?
Do you lose confidence when you couldn’t find an answer or when you see that the next question is easier than the one you’ve just answered?
3) Work in a study group or find students who will take the GMAT around the same date as you.
Learners usually study better when they’re together. It could boost your motivation as well as set a regular rhythm and give you an external advice on your preparation strategy and improvements.
That’s all for today.
I hope you will find these tips useful and that they’ll help you to get ready to take the GMAT.
Sophie Gallix

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